What if there existed a sunscreen that was truly invisible? That felt silky smooth to the touch, and dried down with a dreamy, non-oily finish? What if it was completely gel-based, and also doubled as a makeup primer?
What if you no longer had to use your imagination?
Introducing: Bask's Daily Invisible Gel SPF 40 Sunscreen.
After elevating body SPF, meeting our Baskforce on the beach towel, we're moving into the vanity with a face-specific product that's beautifully elegant but strong enough to wear in the waves.
After nearly 3 years of development and 80+ formula iterations, it’s time for faces across America to meet The Feel Good Sunscreen - one optimized specifically to offer the best protection and the best feel on skin. Though first and foremost a resilient SPF, Bask’s Daily Invisible Gel is packed with skincare benefits through hero ingredient olive-derived Squalane, and doubles as a makeup primer. Making it a perfect multi-functional daily-use product.